Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Lights Are On, But Nobody Is Home

We're so close. So, so close.

And yet...we're not at the finish line.

This, was the week we were going to be moving. I took the week off work. We are not moving. 

I could list all of the reasons we are not ready to move in yet, but's just too exhausting. So, instead I shall show you all of the great things that are happening.

Jai checking out the new/old house.

We took the dogs to visit the house. That's a good thing? Yes. Yes it is. I was really not sure if the dogs would feel the same way we would about returning home. We arrived home last year to find our house burning. We went to a hotel that night, understanding on a basic level that we would repair our home and live in it once again. The dogs on the other hand, were in the house while it was burning. What they likely remember of that house is being trapped in a burning inferno, choking on smoke, smoke alarms blaring in their ears, and strangers in big suits carrying them out in a daze. As far as they know, the house ceased to exist that night. 

Jai was thrilled to see the house again. He pulled me into every room and sniffed every single corner and when he was satisfied that every room was committed to memory once again he flopped down on the family room floor as if he'd never left. And he left a nice puddle on the sidewalk to let all the neighborhood dogs know this was still his territory. I was incredibly happy to know he was not scared to go back home.

Another great thing? 

DOORS! We have doors! 

And trim too! 

Just some paint and tile and I can park a sofa right there in front of those windows!

Ah. But do you see paint? No. No you don't. 

There is rock though! Woohoo!

Okay. So they're a little dusty. That's okay. They're going to be beautiful on my fireplace. Long before I have time to post again this ugly red brick...

...will be covered with beautiful river rock.

I am going to love that new fireplace. But in all honesty, I'd take the ugly red brick back in a heartbeat. A house fire is a rough way to remodel. I do not recommend it. 

Tomorrow, the tile will arrive and the plumbing fixtures will arrive. I will be packing. The paint will not arrive yet. 

I cannot control the arrival of materials or the folks who will install them. That is killing me. So, this week I'm going to take control of the one thing I can control. I am going to pack. 

When the paint is up and the tile is down I will have the house packed up and ready to move. My house is waiting for me. I know this because the porch light is on again, welcoming us home. 

(Just ignore the house wrap and lack of siding. Siding, apparently, is not required prior to the big move. If I can ignore it, so can you.)  

1 comment:

  1. I am so annoyed that the uncontrollable forces have delayed you, but I am so proud of you for grabbing the controllable part by the reins and going for it. And I cannot wait to see the river rock fireplace!
