Friday, December 30, 2011

And the Walls Come Tumbling Down

Day 2 of Operation Clean-Out and the walls come tumbling down!

Bubba's room is clean, the walls are down, and it's time for the insulation to come out.

Bubba's Room and Stairway
(note the fire extinguisher- we had one on every floor, just in case something ever caught fire. Oh, the irony)   
The upstairs girl's room is clean and waiting for the walls to come down. No more painted paneling!
Bubble gum pink walls covered in soot. Stupid Crock Pot.  
I guess I'm not the only one who stopped to draw in the soot.

Today more of our memories went into the dumpster.

I know when you look into this mess you probably see trash. But what I see is different. I see our lives. I see one of my kids' beds. I see Fish's precious art cabinet. I see the crutches Tuna blinged out with duct tape when she broke her hip. I see Fish's snow cone  maker. I see the mirror Tuna bought with her Christmas money last year.

I know, I know. It's just stuff. But it's our stuff. And it's in a dumpster. And it we've been violated. By a STUPID CROCK POT. And it sucks.

Don't get me wrong. I am happy. I am happy that Operation Clean-Out is nearly over and Operation Tear-Out is starting and that means that Operation Rebuild is just around the corner. I am happy that we will be back in a beautiful home before we know it. I am happy that I will have fabulous neighbors to welcome me home.

You see that? That is the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the neighbor's window. That's how awesome my neighbors are. I miss them all.

Stay tuned for my New Year's resolution. I'm not much for making New Year's resolutions, but this year I'm going all out.


  1. Hi Lisa --

    Hi, my name is Barton Brown; I live in Clinton, CT, and I'm your neighbor Megan Hull's father, Corbin and Pippa's grandfather. Megan called me September 21 and told me what was going on -- I'm terribly sorry this happened to you and your family, Your determination and resolve to rise from the ashes just confirms everything Megan has told me about you.

    I know it doesn't help, but we had a fire here in CT on Christmas morning that took the lives of three little girls and their grandparents, all because the children's mother's boyfriend, a VERY experienced housing contractor, put the still-warm ashes and embers from the Christmas eve Yule log -- the only time they use the fireplace -- in a BAG. Then he put the bag in the mudroom, next to the TRASH, all this in a 100-year-old house, built with a "balloon" frame, the most fire-prone of all construction methods. Though the Stamford FD was within 6 minutes of the 9-1-1 call, when they got there, the fire was fully engaged, and they found the children's mother crawling on top of the roof of the three storey house, trying to reach her daughters' bedroom window. Even if she'd gotten to it, it was too late. She and the contractor were the only survivors, and 4 firemen had been injured, one seriously.

    What must have gone through your mind racing home is parent's (and grandparent's) worst nightmare -- I can only imagine the relief you must have felt when you saw your kids, your husband, and your dogs OUTSIDE the house and safe.

    I'm a constant worrier: I worry about Kevin, Megan. Corbin, and Pippa 24/7. I've had a very difficult time shaking the images of the fire in Stamford Christmas morning. Your story has been, for me, a great counterbalance against the horrors of the fire in Stamford.

    As I'm sure you've discovered already, Megan and Kevin are towers of strength, and they will do everything they can to help you. Your writings here show that you're another tower of strength (and, by the way, an excellent writer).

    Keep your spirits up; you WILL get through this and come out stronger than ever before.

    Kindest regards,

    Bart Brown

  2. I should proofread things before I post; that should have been :

    "Though the Stamford FD was there within 6 minutes of the 9-1-1 call..."


    "What must have gone through your mind racing home is every parent's..."


  3. Bart, your words are an enormous comfort. I am truly thankful that my family and pets are safe. I am also ever thankful to have the wonderful and supportive neighbors we have, including Kevin and Megan. We are blessed. My hope is that this blog will be therapeutic for me and also offer others a window seat on our journey. Thank you for writing!
