Friday, December 13, 2013

Mother of the Year

Countdown Socks are a December tradition now in our family. Every night in December (with the exception of the nights we spent in the recliners with the virus from hell) we take down a numbered sock from the line and the kids get some little trinket or treat to mark the passage of days until Christmas.

If we're pressed for time (or feeling particularly lazy), we just stuff the treats in the sock. But on a good night, we hold a scavenger hunt! We use a lot of Christmas songs for clues, but Rough Stuff is a displaced elf with a photographic memory and she can sing every Christmas song ever. She can land the clues from a Christmas song much, much faster than I can type them up and hide them.

So, we've moved on to movie themes. Tonight's theme was National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. The clues worked through several movie scenes- from the fried pussycat, to Clark's rant about wanting his boss brought from his happy holiday slumber- and led to shouts of "shitter's full!"


I think I've got Mother of the Year wrapped up tight.    

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